Please reconsider including the number of sampling days as a covariate when estimating detection probabilities in occupancy models
A really helpful function I wrote to make the MCMC output from NIMBLE or JAGS so much easier to work with for model predictions and plotting
How to interpret and make plots with a Bayesian implementation of the Rota et al. (2016) multi-species occupancy model for interacting species
A somewhat hacky solution to getting a progress bar when Bayesian fitting models in parallel with NIMBLE
A gentle introduction to an integrated occupancy model that combines presence-only and detection/non-detection data, and how to fit it in `JAGS`
Nested indexing is for more than just random effects. How to use nested indexing to speed up your Bayesian models and answer new ecological questions.
So, you don't have enough data to fit a dynamic occupancy model? An introduction to auto-logistic occupancy models.
Linear regression: Using maximum likelihood to estimate the mean and standard deviation of a normally distributed random variable